Monday, May 9, 2011

The luckiest Mama ever!

What an awesome first Mother's Day. It was difficult being so far away from all the moms and grandmas in my life this Mother's Day. I think because I have a new found appreciation for them now that I am a mom, but Garrett and Aurelia did an excellent job of making me feel better. We spent a relaxing day together as a family. Garrett made me breakfast and dinner! I took a nice long bath in the morning, and we spent time just hanging out and playing all day. It was fantastic. Garrett even did the dishes after dinner! I have a great family. I am a very lucky girl.
Rockin' her new aviator sunglasses
 The green bean mustache!
Playing in the pool. It's summer in Houston.

We hope you all had a fantastic mother's day.


Liz Beacham said...

I finally just found your blog! Wow, I'm out of it...but sooo happy to see such beautiful photos! I'm so glad you're all doing well. I can tell Aurelia is one of the sweetest kids ever--but then she'd have to be with a mom like you. I miss you guys terribly and can't wait until I can get out there to visit. Hope we can find time to talk sometime soon :)


RCA said...