Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Almost crawling

Last week Aurelia started lunging forward from a sitting position onto her hands and knees. She rocks back and forth and gets a little forward motion but not much. She's so close. She's also started waving and clicking her tongue, especially at the cat.

She has been very vocal, as well. She finally said "da" which has made Garrett very happy.
Here are a few photos from this month.
Rocking the new dino bib from Gma and Gpa Vice

Hanging with Daddy on the lawn.

Almost crawling. Anyday now she's gonna figure it out.

Already geeking out! (Thanks to our friend Amanda, who works at the Lunar Planetary Institute near the space center.)


Kristin said...

Oh my heavens I love how cute she is!!! What a babe!

Amanda said...

YAY! I'm glad she's big enough to wear that shirt. So cute! :)