Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas 2011/New Years 2012

Christmas this year was so much fun. Rae was a little more aware of what was going on and even learned to say "Santa" and "Snowman" from our walks around the neighborhood to see the Christmas decorations.

When she woke up Christmas morning she stopped off at her kitchen cupboard (we designated one cupboard in the kitchen, hers, so she could get into it whenever she wants instead of ransacking all of them).

For the first little while, she was more interested in playing with her food mill than openning presents until she finally realized what was inside. Then, of course, she spent all her time playing with the first few we openned and is still discovering new toys a week later.
It's amazing how much more fun Christmas is when you have kids. It's like being a kid again.
Here she is in her new outfit from Nana, watching Baby Signing Time, the video she got from her Aunt Rachel and Uncle Pete.
For New Years we decided to throw a little party with the cousins at noon instead of midnight so Aurelia could be awake to participate. For our Noon Years Eve party, we decided on an Asian theme, since we figured it was 12 hours ahead somewhere in Japan or China. I made some dessert sushi. They turned out great. Tasty and fun.

After Aurelia's nap we took a walk down to the Nature Center by our house.
Lately, Rae has insisted that when we go for walks, she gets to push the stroller. If we attempt to help push or guide it while she is pushing, she very firmly asks us to stop. We've gotten a lot of odd looks from people passing by when they see an empty stoller rolling along with Garrett and myself off to the side. She has a lot of fun filling up the basket and pushing it along, and we figure it's good exercise for her. She is very independent and loves to go for walks. Once she's out of the stroller, there is not much we can do to get her back in. No matter how far we are from home or the car, she insists on walking all by herself.
One of my New Year's resolutions is to write every day this year, and at least twice a month on the blog. Rae has matured so much this past year. It's nice to be able to look back at the big milestones that I've recorded, but there were also so many that i missed writing down. I hope to make the missed milestones list a lot smaller this year.
Happy New Year. I know 2012 will be our best year yet. I hope it is yours, too.

1 comment:

Liz Beacham said...

I love seeing these photos. The dessert sushi looks amazing! What a fabulous idea.

I'm so glad things are going well with you guys, and I love seeing new photos of Aurelia.

I officially new-year-resolve to keep in better touch with you, and to get out there to visit and meet Rae in the spring :-)