The other night as we were going to bed we heard Aurelia over the monitor saying "Num Num Num" in her sleep. She was "eating" in her sleep, and really enjoying whatever it was that she was eating.
I said "Holy Cow" and Aurelia started mooing!
She loves sitting on the couch and will walk up, point, and give a little inflected squeak. When I ask her if she wants to sit on the couch, she replies "Yes" with the biggest smile on her face and nods her head. **cutest thing ever**
Garrett was playing chase with Aurelia this evening while I was getting her bath together. They finished playing before I finished putting things together, so Aurelia came and stood at the gate to wait. While she was waiting, she was saying "Boo" and screaming in response and then laughing at herself. **okay, so this one was the CUTEST THING EVER**
This kid seriously cracks me up.