Tuesday, April 26, 2011

She's crawling

As of yesterday, she's officially crawling. She gets a little frustrated, fighting with her wobbly arms and legs. I don't think they are quite as coordinated as she wants them to be, but she's getting the hang of it pretty quickly. Hopefully, I'll get some video to post soon.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

First Easter

It's been a great weekend! We celebrated Easter with an early morning stroll at Mercer Arboretum. We only saw two other people there. It was beautiful and peaceful (aside from almost walking face first into an enormous orb spider web. Yikes!). After our weekly trip to Hubbell and Hudson, we went home and decorated some easter eggs. We had hoped to pull out our little pool to let Aurelia splash around, but the wind was terrible and both Aurelia and I have been suffering from allergies this week. We took plenty of pictures to share.
First Easter Basket

 She spent most of the time trying to crack the dinosaur egg open against the bubbles.

My easter present - an antique tibetan box.
Garrett's easter present - deviled eggs.

 This cardinal was singing a very nice song for us while we explored the gardens.

 I was actually quite excited to find this enormous and blooming Gardenia. One of my favorite flowers.
Our egg monsters:
Second from the right is our Donald Trump easter egg monster. I thought it was a pretty good likeness.
We hope you all had as lovely an Easter as we did.

Friday, April 15, 2011

She just stood up!

I had to jump on and post because Aurelia just stood herself up. Garrett put her in the laundry basket and she grabbed the sides and stood herself up for a few seconds. I didn't catch it on camera but got the aftermath. It was pretty awesome.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Almost crawling

Last week Aurelia started lunging forward from a sitting position onto her hands and knees. She rocks back and forth and gets a little forward motion but not much. She's so close. She's also started waving and clicking her tongue, especially at the cat.

She has been very vocal, as well. She finally said "da" which has made Garrett very happy.
Here are a few photos from this month.
Rocking the new dino bib from Gma and Gpa Vice

Hanging with Daddy on the lawn.

Almost crawling. Anyday now she's gonna figure it out.

Already geeking out! (Thanks to our friend Amanda, who works at the Lunar Planetary Institute near the space center.)