Garrett's mom and step-dad came out for Christmas. It was a nice visit, and they enjoyed seeing how much Aurelia had grown. It's amazing what a few months can do. But after nine days, we were ready to get back into a routine again. By the time they left, my perfect napper had reverted back to a
snack napper, 20 to 30 minute naps and endless grumpiness. If she sleeps a full hour or more, she wakes up smiley and sweet, any less and she's a bit of a bear. We're working on it.
When she's on her tummy she will sometimes use her arms to turn herself in a circle and can scoot herself backwards a little, but she still hasn't figured out how to move herself forward. She is starting to sit up well with a little support, and is big enough now for the exersaucer. She really likes the toys on it, but I think her favorite part is getting to stand up. She loves going for walks in her stroller or carrier. I would have to say it's her favorite thing. She gets so excited when the wind hits her face. It's been really cold lately so we haven't been getting out as much, but while Garrett was off for the holidays we got out almost everyday.
Next up is finishing the last few bits of the nursery, and moving her in. We decided to keep her in our room for 6 months, but I don't think she's going to make it. She's quickly outgrowing the bassinet we bought her. My goal is the first of February. I am hoping for a smooth transition, but not expecting one. She is such a sound sleeper right now, but if I make even a single small change she tends to get restless. I've already got her napping in her crib so it won't be a completely new place for her. Wish us luck.